1/2W instead of 1/4 W

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1/2W instead of 1/4 W

Vin Cortina
Hi gang,

My first question in the building of K1-4 s/n:1977.

Since R8 of the Front Panel Board was not what it was supposed to be (I got a 220 OHM instead of a 22 OHM), I figured I'd pick it up at the local Radio Shack.  Well, I did, and it is a 22 OHM, 5% tolerance.  But the unit calls for a 1/4 W and RS only had 1/2W.  Now OBVIOUSLY this is fine electronically, but what about mechanically?  Will the larger size be a show stopper, or will it be no "big" deal?  It looks OK on the board (See appendix F in manual), but I am afraid of final assy and something "bumping" up against it.  Can anyone "dissipate" my "resistance"  to inserting this component?

Thanks everyone in advance.  I have become so used to overwhelming response on this reflector, I have to brace for the surge of replies.

Vin   KR2F

Mount Tremper, NY
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