100Hz modulation of HF output?

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100Hz modulation of HF output?

I am using barefoot K2 for WSPRing from my PC (for those not familiar with - it is a single tone slow FSK). Trying 10W on 80m yesterday, I noticed that I'm reported twice by every listening station: one time on my frequency and one time 100Hz up, about 17dB weaker.


Can it be a modulation of my HF out signal by 2nd harmonic of our european power line frequency?

I am still going to try out if suppling K2 from a battery resolves the problem - suspecting poor DC power supply.

To figure out if it is a buzz on mic line, I reduced the power to 1W. And it helped. There were still some stations hearing me loud, but no ghost tone 100Hz up.

So I think, this was not a buzz on mic line, but a poor power supply, especially at higher currents

What do you think?