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100w 600meter Transverter - was "cheerful thought..."

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100w 600meter Transverter - was "cheerful thought..."

Edward R Cole
1502 posts
First off for those wanting a KPA-1500, might consider combining two
KPA-500 for 1000w (much easier and cheaper).  Otherwise, it makes
more sense to design a new 1200w amp around the new LDMOS devices
($250 range).  Designs are being done for 6m/2m/432 with the
Freescale LDMOS and some folks are starting to market them.

OK, 600 meters:  I will assume the writer is not into building his own.

The easiest route to operating on the new 472-479 KHz ham band (not
approved until after Jan-1, 2013 by WRC), is to buy the KX3.  We have
heard Wayne state it will be able to operate there.  I can possible
satisfy the 100w goal as I may offer an 600m amplifier based on the
AN-762 kit from CCI.  See my "kits by KL7UW" link.

I also show how one can make their own low-level transverter to take
the output of the K3 running in TEST mode on 10.472-10.479 MHz to 472-479 KHz:
scroll down to the date tag: "March 17, 2011".

That will require building a couple amplifier stages to get to 1w
drive for a AN762:

Even though I built this transverter, I will be using my KX3!

73, Ed - KL7UW


Message: 16
Date: Tue, 21 Feb 2012 17:44:14 -0600
From: Nate Bargmann <[hidden email]>
Subject: Re: [Elecraft] cheerful thought for the day
To: [hidden email]
Message-ID: <[hidden email]>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1

* On 2012 21 Feb 16:58 -0600, Doug Smith [W7KF] wrote:
 > So, as it turns out, we *really* do need the KPA-1500!  ;-)

I'd rather have the 100 Watt 600m transverter.  ;-)

73, de Nate, N?NB >>

73, Ed - KL7UW, WD2XSH/45
BP40IQ   500 KHz - 10-GHz   www.kl7uw.com
EME: 50-1.1kw?, 144-1.4kw, 432-QRT, 1296-?, 3400-?
DUBUS Magazine USA Rep [hidden email]
"Kits made by KL7UW" http://www.kl7uw.com/kits.htm
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