10m Birdie K2

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10m Birdie K2

Hello World!

My situation with the bigest bird (called by HAM's B4 me an Ostrich but i think is an California Condor):

          QRG    Mode Preamp state Signal RX ant off Signal RX ANT On
       28263.11     CW         ON           S-8             S-2

Disabling KPA100 with turning Power button under 10W just shifts "OSTRICH" for 8Hz up.
With KPA100 removed no such huge birds heard.
Cristal in KPA100 is 18MHz.
Quiet shure, that the "OSTRICH" has something to do with HV switching supply in KPA100.
I do not worry a lot abt it, but if it's possible to get rid of it, i would be happy, because like California Condor, the HAM's of the world are endangered species.

I wait for some mod from You guys with a lot of knowledge about the argument.


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Re: 10m Birdie K2

Geoffrey Mackenzie-Kennedy-2
Hi Adi,

You could be right. But keep smiling,  K2/100 is in hospital here and
doctors are looking at Ostrich, C.Condor and GORILLAS. Patient doing well.
Your information very useful.


Geoff    GM4ESD
K2/100  3255

----- Original Message -----
From: "S55M" <[hidden email]>
To: <[hidden email]>
Sent: Tuesday, January 18, 2005 11:05 PM
Subject: [Elecraft] 10m Birdie K2

Hello World!

My situation with the bigest bird (called by HAM's B4 me an Ostrich but i
think is an California Condor):

          QRG    Mode Preamp state Signal RX ant off Signal RX ANT On
       28263.11     CW         ON           S-8             S-2

Disabling KPA100 with turning Power button under 10W just shifts "OSTRICH"
for 8Hz up.
With KPA100 removed no such huge birds heard.
Cristal in KPA100 is 18MHz.
Quiet shure, that the "OSTRICH" has something to do with HV switching supply
in KPA100.
I do not worry a lot abt it, but if it's possible to get rid of it, i would
be happy, because like California Condor, the HAM's of the world are
endangered species.

I wait for some mod from You guys with a lot of knowledge about the


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