144 Transverter Wish List?

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144 Transverter Wish List?

If/When a 144 Transverter is in the design stage could you look into giving it a BroadBand receive range?  On the upper end I would like to see it go to the National Weather Service at 165.xxx mhz, and on the lower end I would like to get to the NOAA LEO sat's at 137.xxx (Wide Band FM if you please).

The KX3 will be both my home QTH and portable rig so that's why the request for the 137mhz.

de George
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Re: 144 Transverter Wish List?

Bill - K6WLM
A VHF  receiver with a broad front-end opens the door to inter-mod from Paging transmitters and other local VHF services.  I would rather have a ham-band only unit and then add an inexpensive portable scanner if you need the additional frequency coverage.
Just my opinion...
Bill - K6WLM
<If/When a 144 Transverter is in the design stage could you look into giving
<it a BroadBand receive range?  On the upper end I would like to see it go to
<the National Weather Service at 165.xxx mhz, and on the lower end I would
<like to get to the NOAA LEO sat's at 137.xxx (Wide Band FM if you please).
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Re: 144 Transverter Wish List?

Bill - K6WLM wrote
A VHF  receiver with a broad front-end opens the door to inter-mod from Paging transmitters and other local VHF services.
Yes I hear what your saying about the inter-mod.  At one point I had one of the micro Yaesu VX-1R dual-band HT's and using UHF was useless (without PL decode) here in the metro area on the rubber duck.... inter-mod just killed it, VHF was Ok.  On the other hand, my FT-817ND is connected to a outside dual-band J-Pole and I hear no inter-mod on V/Uhf at all, must be in the design.  Like the upcoming KX3, the 817 was designed for portable use yet it's VHF receive (108-154) stops short of the NWS 162.xxxmhz range.  I personally would like to have the NWS receive capability on my grab-and-go portable.

And yes, I could go with a portable scanner, but I just thought I'd throw out the suggestion to widen the 144 receiver and let the design team determine if it's doable or not.  Either way I am going to buy a KX3 and I can always carry my 5w HT which does receive NWS (and is not effected by inter-mod), but I'd just rather have it all-in-one like my 817 is (I don't use UHF much).

de George
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Re: 144 Transverter Wish List?//wb wx

In reply to this post by GeorgeP1111
Not a bad idea on the NOAA WX sat (137 mhz). If it could be done easily enough, as the I.F. Bandwidth
if memory serves me correct is around +/- 16khz for proper data decoding.
I suppose its a small nich of folks that do that, but I do find it interesting and would be one more
"plus" (of many) for the KX3. And I suppose as we keep adding these nice to have items
the $$$ climb.  
The KX3 is on my gotta have list, looking forward to all the specs.
