144XV with PPL Ref Osc Option

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144XV with PPL Ref Osc Option

Gary Ferdinand
Can some one please point me in the right direction?  I'm trying to
calibrate the 144XV with the reference oscillator phase lock option (ROPLL)
installed.  The symptom is simple.
When I attempt to do the (updated) frequency calibration on page 19 of the
144XV manual I get a N/A response, rather than a REFLOCK response.  I'm
tapping the "0" key many, many times.   I get "N/A" and after a short wait
it goes back to displaying the CONFIG option selected:  XV1 OFS.
I have verified the ROPLL option is installed by going through the process
detailed on pages 9 and 10 of the ROPLL manual.  The firmware install worked
fine.   I do get a "B001" response as intended to the "B" command.  The
144XV status light is well behaved, blinking only once or twice at power-up
(except when uploading firmware to it).  
There appears to be conflicting information between the two manuals.  The
ROPLL manual tells me to recalibrate the XV144 on page 11 by doing
arithmetic on the K3's CONFIG: REF CAL value.   The XV144 manual, as
amended, on page 19 tells me none of that is necessary, and just to go to
CONFIG: XV1 OFS and "tap the 0 switch until you see REFLOCK on the K3's
LCD."   The arithmetic approach did not provide great calibration (about 2
kHz off at 147 mHz), so I've been trying to get the XV144 page 19
instructions to work with great frustration.    
All help greatly appreciated.  Tnx/73
Gary W2CS
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Re: 144XV with PPL Ref Osc Option

Bruce Beford-2
Do you have the proper firmware level in the K3 itself? You need to be at
least as rev 4.42 for this to work.

>From fw release notes:
MCU 4.42 / DSP 2.73, 8-24-2011

The K144XV RFLK option locks the K3's 2-meter module to the rig's
master reference. Previously, users of this option had to enter offsets
in the CONFIG:XVn OFS menu entry based on how far off the
master reference was from 49380.000 kHz. These offsets can now
be calculated automatically based on the REF CAL menu entry.
If a K3EXREF module is also installed, then REF CAL itself
is automatically calibrated based on an external 10-MHz reference
(see K3EXREF on 2 m, below).

Bruce, N1RX

> Can some one please point me in the right direction?  I'm trying to
> calibrate the 144XV with the reference oscillator phase lock option
> installed.  The symptom is simple.

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SOLVED: RE: 144XV with PPL Ref Osc Option

Gary Ferdinand
Bruce (and others) thank you.  I was at 4.39.  

Now do I feel stupid or what?   Tnx all,

73/Gary W2CS

>-----Original Message-----
>From: [hidden email] [mailto:elecraft-
>[hidden email]] On Behalf Of Bruce Beford
>Sent: Thursday, March 01, 2012 3:50 PM
>To: [hidden email]
>Subject: Re: [Elecraft] 144XV with PPL Ref Osc Option
>Do you have the proper firmware level in the K3 itself? You need to be
>at least as rev 4.42 for this to work.
>>From fw release notes:
>MCU 4.42 / DSP 2.73, 8-24-2011
>The K144XV RFLK option locks the K3's 2-meter module to the rig's master
>reference. Previously, users of this option had to enter offsets in the
>CONFIG:XVn OFS menu entry based on how far off the master reference was
>from 49380.000 kHz. These offsets can now be calculated automatically
>based on the REF CAL menu entry.
>If a K3EXREF module is also installed, then REF CAL itself is
>automatically calibrated based on an external 10-MHz reference (see
>K3EXREF on 2 m, below).
>Bruce, N1RX
>> Can some one please point me in the right direction?  I'm trying to
>> calibrate the 144XV with the reference oscillator phase lock option
>> installed.  The symptom is simple.
>Elecraft mailing list
>Home: http://mailman.qth.net/mailman/listinfo/elecraft
>Help: http://mailman.qth.net/mmfaq.htm
>Post: mailto:[hidden email]
>This list hosted by: http://www.qsl.net
>Please help support this email list: http://www.qsl.net/donate.html

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