160 m contest

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160 m contest

David A. Belsley
Well, it sure was fun to exercise the K2/100 on top band over the
weekend.  It was a challenge to get my homemade Italian antenna tuner
(it looks like a plate of spaghetti) to deal with the inductive
reactance of my newly shortened antenna (142" flat top, center fed with
open-wire line), but, after pulling a couple of good-ol' 365pf
multigang broadcast-band variable caps from the junk box, the job was
successfully accomplished.

And, boy, did it get out.  Why, I got 599s from everyone I worked!  
Although it was clear that a number of those ops were quite poor with
their code, because they had to ask me several times to repeat my
state, despite my s9 signal strength.  That's what happens when you
dust off your cw only every now and again for contests.  But I do
realize that receiving an M and an A in rapid succession can be taxing,
even for the best of us.

Meanwhile, the K2 did work beautifully and the filters were fantastic
at removing the effects of nearby 30-over-9 stations.  It's too bad it
takes a contest to get that kind of activity on 160 meters.

best wishes,

dave belsley, w1euy

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Re: 160 m contest

Lars Edwards

I had the same experience but with just 10W and an ~ 1/30th wavelength
vertical with no radials I can understand a few repeats being required !

What was fun was the 20 QSO's / 14 states and 1 Canadian province in about
an hour total operating time during the contest.

Obviously a lot of folks had some good antennas and ears.

Next year I will have a much better antenna.


----- Original Message -----
From: "David A. Belsley" <[hidden email]>
To: "Elecraft Reflector" <[hidden email]>
Sent: Sunday, January 30, 2005 9:47 AM
Subject: [Elecraft] 160 m contest

> Well, it sure was fun to exercise the K2/100 on top band over the
> weekend.  It was a challenge to get my homemade Italian antenna tuner
> (it looks like a plate of spaghetti) to deal with the inductive
> reactance of my newly shortened antenna (142" flat top, center fed with
> open-wire line), but, after pulling a couple of good-ol' 365pf
> multigang broadcast-band variable caps from the junk box, the job was
> successfully accomplished.
> And, boy, did it get out.  Why, I got 599s from everyone I worked!
> Although it was clear that a number of those ops were quite poor with
> their code, because they had to ask me several times to repeat my
> state, despite my s9 signal strength.  That's what happens when you
> dust off your cw only every now and again for contests.  But I do
> realize that receiving an M and an A in rapid succession can be taxing,
> even for the best of us.
> Meanwhile, the K2 did work beautifully and the filters were fantastic
> at removing the effects of nearby 30-over-9 stations.  It's too bad it
> takes a contest to get that kind of activity on 160 meters.
> best wishes,
> dave belsley, w1euy
> _______________________________________________
> Elecraft mailing list
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Re: 160 m contest

In reply to this post by David A. Belsley
Worked 31 stations in 15 states and VE5 with my FT-817 and "special" 160m  
antenna. I feed the center conductor of my coax feedline from basement to attic  
tuned with my ATU. Guess I need to install the 160m option in my K2. I did  
notice that the FT-817 roofing filter will not eliminate intermods from my
local  160m neighbors. The K2 should do much better. I also got 5NNs on all
contacts  but I bet I was 219 on most of them.
Highlands Ranch, CO
K2 #3652, K1 #545
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Re: 160 m contest

Daems Johan
In reply to this post by David A. Belsley
Hello David,

Don't forget that contest software always give you 599 even when your real RST is only 239.
When you are looking for real RST it is better to test your antenna when there is no contest running.

Best whishes,
Jan - on4aeb

----- Original Message -----
From: "David A. Belsley" <[hidden email]>
To: "Elecraft Reflector" <[hidden email]>
Sent: Sunday, January 30, 2005 4:47 PM
Subject: [Elecraft] 160 m contest

> Well, it sure was fun to exercise the K2/100 on top band over the
> weekend.  It was a challenge to get my homemade Italian antenna tuner
> (it looks like a plate of spaghetti) to deal with the inductive
> reactance of my newly shortened antenna (142" flat top, center fed with
> open-wire line), but, after pulling a couple of good-ol' 365pf
> multigang broadcast-band variable caps from the junk box, the job was
> successfully accomplished.
> And, boy, did it get out.  Why, I got 599s from everyone I worked!  
> Although it was clear that a number of those ops were quite poor with
> their code, because they had to ask me several times to repeat my
> state, despite my s9 signal strength.  That's what happens when you
> dust off your cw only every now and again for contests.  But I do
> realize that receiving an M and an A in rapid succession can be taxing,
> even for the best of us.
> Meanwhile, the K2 did work beautifully and the filters were fantastic
> at removing the effects of nearby 30-over-9 stations.  It's too bad it
> takes a contest to get that kind of activity on 160 meters.
> best wishes,
> dave belsley, w1euy
> _______________________________________________
> Elecraft mailing list
> Post to: [hidden email]
> You must be a subscriber to post to the list.
> Subscriber Info (Addr. Change, sub, unsub etc.):
> http://mailman.qth.net/mailman/listinfo/elecraft   
> Help: http://mailman.qth.net/subscribers.htm
> Elecraft web page: http://www.elecraft.com
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RE: 160 m contest

Roger Stein-2
In reply to this post by David A. Belsley
Hi Dan,
 Managed to work 8 CO stations, but you were not among tham :-(.
Overall it was a fun contest, managed to make 187 contacts, 42 states, 3
'DX'! Lou's, KE4UYP, dual-polarity antenna had a lot to do with it!

73, Roger K2 #755

-----Original Message-----
From: [hidden email]
[mailto:[hidden email]]On Behalf Of [hidden email]
Sent: Sunday, January 30, 2005 10:14 AM
To: [hidden email]; [hidden email]
Subject: Re: [Elecraft] 160 m contest

Worked 31 stations in 15 states and VE5 with my FT-817 and "special" 160m  
antenna. I feed the center conductor of my coax feedline from basement to
tuned with my ATU. Guess I need to install the 160m option in my K2. I did  
notice that the FT-817 roofing filter will not eliminate intermods from my
local  160m neighbors. The K2 should do much better. I also got 5NNs on all
contacts  but I bet I was 219 on most of them.
Highlands Ranch, CO
K2 #3652, K1 #545
Elecraft mailing list
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