This is an odd one ...
I'm sure I can figure it out, but, let me see if this
has happened to anyone else before.
K2 #0771, ancient but superior, and loaded, now with
the 100W amp.
Has always worked superbly, and so much so that I
recently made it my main shack rig.
To make life nicer, I went through and netted the 4
MHz oscillator and re-cal'd the PLL just a few days
This evening I tried to go over to 160 to hear what I
could hear. There was an LSB QSO, around 1925 ... but
I couldn't tune it in!
The VFO knob works and so does the display show where
I should be, but, no change ... and ONLY on this band.
All the other bands work FB.
I tried commanding the radio to tune via the serial
port. This method also works fine, all bands, except
I then commanded the radio to tune to 1360 kHz, the
frequency of the local AM station. Well, that works
OK. (I zero-beat their carrier and listened to some
political nutcake for a minute or two.)
Steve KZ1X/4
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