Craig asked:
>... what are the prospects for a 17 or 15 meter module for the KX1
Not very likely at all, which is unfortunate. 15m is my favorite band.
The clocking rate of the KX1's AD9834 DDS chip is 50 MHz (the maximum rated for the chip). Typically, the highest usable output frequency from a DDS chip is no greater than about one-third the clock rate (about 16.6 MHz).
You won't be able to get on 18 or 21 MHz if the DDS isn't capable of cleanly (for a DDS) generating the required transmit frequency, or the high-side receiver local oscillator frequency (18 + 5, 21 + 5) that is required for one of the sideband reception modes. It would not be simple to get a KX1 on these bands.
That's one of the great positive points for the K1, which uses an LC VFO and hetrodyne oscillators. The K1's 15m band performance is quite nice. That's why those who have wished for a K1 re-designed for DDS frequency generation are in effect wishing for a crippled K1.
Mike / KK5F
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