N0SS was 40 over on both the K2 and TS850 -- tks for the QNI. As is
usual between Portland and No. Cal on 20m at 0000Z, Kevin was about 219,
as was I for him, I'm sure. I took a chance and split the antenna for
receive into both the K2 and TS-850, whose receiver isn't all that
shabby. I could hear Kevin and the really weak ones on the 850 ... I
could copy some of them on the K2. Fairly impressive test, at least for
If anyone is around on 20, 30, and 40 on Fri 3/4, I will be in Tuscon at
the pool at the Airport Holiday Inn during the day with my KX1 signing
/7. I have a new Nikon Coolpix digital camera, and I am sort of hoping
to conjure up QSL card of some sort as I learn to use it. I believe it
might be the WAPSIT award (Worked All Pool Side In Tuscon".
Fred K6DGW
Auburn CA CM98lw
K2 #4398
KX1 #897
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