The number of turns will be the same with any guage wire. The REAL question
is - will that many turns fit on the toroid core? In particular, I would
believe you could use #26 wire on SSB T2 with only a bit more care to lay
the turns straight - the FT37 -xx cores should allow up to 33 turns in a
single layer.
----- Original Message -----
> Today I decided to rewind T2 on my SSB adapter in an effort to correct my
> low signal level -- even though it looked fine and beeped-out well and
> yadda yadda.
> Anyway, I have LOTS of #26 wire left over from the K2 and KPA100. Any
> reason I can't use that instead of #28 to do this? (Is the difference
> enough to drop a turn or something?)
> Thanks,
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