3080 Option

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3080 Option

Marty Young
I am considering the KX1 with 3080 option (and ATU)
In looking over the manuals one question arises.  I
searched this reflector archives and didn't find my
answer after a short search.

Is there an assembly procedure for the 3080 option
when starting the build from the beginning, or must
you first build the KX1, and immediatly
de-install/desolder and modify?

I didn't see that in looking over the manuals.

Thanks for the help

73  Marty / W4MY

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RE: 3080 Option

Don Wilhelm-3

After you have done 5 or 6 of the KXB3080 installs and develop confidence
that you can do it right each and every time, then you can successfully
install a KXB3080 along with the initial KX1 build.

If this is the first time you are building a KX1 or the first time
installing a KXB3080, then build the KX1 2 band first so you know it works
properly and then install the KXB3080.  In other words, do everything just
like the manual instructs.

You could mount L6 on the bottom of the board during the initial KX1 build
and install the 33 ohm and 4.7 ohm resistors from the Power Mod package, but
limit it to that much.

Work carefully when installing the KXB3080, particularly when assembling the
LPF board.  The manual is correct, but you will be working in tight physical
space, so attention to details is important.  Be careful not to burn the
relays when desoldering - better to destroy the component and take it out
one lead at a time.  Open the holes with a stainless steel needle (a large
sewing needle with a cork for a handle will do fine) unless you have a
de-soldering tool with a long slender tip.


> -----Original Message-----
> I am considering the KX1 with 3080 option (and ATU)
> In looking over the manuals one question arises.  I
> searched this reflector archives and didn't find my
> answer after a short search.
> Is there an assembly procedure for the 3080 option
> when starting the build from the beginning, or must
> you first build the KX1, and immediatly
> de-install/desolder and modify?
> I didn't see that in looking over the manuals.
> Thanks for the help
> 73  Marty / W4MY

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