40 M interference

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40 M interference

Ralph Tyrrell
Thanks to K6DGW K6PJV, G3YMC, WB1HGA, K7UP, K6DGW and
others that responded to my query.
I suspect it is OTH radar, the suggestion of K6DGW.
Do a Goggle search using  oth radar, lots of
interesting leads, including these:


This racket is not always on 7040 KHz, it varies but
the spacing of signals seems to be 10.66 KHz.
I now remember such signals back in the 60s and 70s.
I used to have a model 15 and did a lot of RTTY so I
know what FSK sounds like.

I still love my K1 but am thinking of building a K2
this summer.

73, Ty, W1TF, K1 #1423

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Re: 40 M interference

W1TF continued:

>Thanks to K6DGW K6PJV, G3YMC, WB1HGA, K7UP, K6DGW and
>others that responded to my query.
>I suspect it is OTH radar, the suggestion of K6DGW.
>Do a Goggle search using  oth radar, lots of
>interesting leads, including these:
>This racket is not always on 7040 KHz, it varies but
>the spacing of signals seems to be 10.66 KHz.
>I now remember such signals back in the 60s and 70s.

What you described is most likely _not_ OTHR.  The
OTHRs you will find in the ham bands (run by the British,
the Australians, the Ukrainians, the Iranians & the Chinese)
blanket a portion of the band (some number of dozens of
kcs) with a ticking sound - which is why when the
Russians put theirs on the air back in the 70s it was called
the "woodpecker".

If others are hearing it, likely to have been reported to
IARU Region 2 Monitoring System - a good place to
start if you think it is not some local thing:


IARU Region 1 MS web page has sample recordings
& other resources that can help identify things we
hear on the bands:


There is a tremendous amount of use of amateur
service spectrum contrary to provisions of the ITU -
the R1 boys are very good at exposing just who is
doing what...

73, VR2BrettGraham
(450 km from Hainan woodpecker, heard world-wide on 40m).

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