40 Meter Transmitter Alignment, Inconsistent Readings

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40 Meter Transmitter Alignment, Inconsistent Readings

Chuck Gehring
I am trying the 40 Meter Transmitter Alignment procedure.
Adjusting the L1 and L2 for a maximum of 2.0 watts did not seem to be a
problem.  With the VFO set to 7100 and power setting set for 2.0 watts.
The initial indication was about 3.0 watts at 1.5 amps.  I adjusted the L1
and L2 until I get a reading of 1.9 watts with the power set for 2.0 watts
with 1.26 amps indicated.
I changed the power setting to 5.0 watts and it indicates 6.9 watts with 1.8
I increased to 10 watts to get a reading of 12 watts with 2.0 amps.
Then I decreased the power setting back to 2.0 watts without changing
anything except the power setting and press and hold the TUNE button it
reads 2.5 watts.  Increasing and decreasing the power setting up then down
between 2 to 5 Watts I get 1.9 to 2.6 watts with the setting set for 2.0
The power meter on my dummy load pretty much reflects the same power out as
indicated on the internal power meter.

Am I making a mountain out of a mole hill here or is something wrong.

Chuck Gehring

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