Hi all,
Well K2/100 #4044 is on the air during RSGB SSB Field Day tomorrow.
13:00 UTC Saturday until 13:00 UTC Sunday. The tent is packed (so are
the beer, barbeque and chilliburgers!) and we hope to work some of you.
The callsign will be G0VGS/P and we will be operating from a field in
Lancaster, Lancashire. This will be the first real test the K2 has had
and I am looking forward to it immensely :-)
I hope to work some of you on at least 1 band!
Ian Maude G0VGS Morecambe Lancs UK |
[hidden email]
Sysop of GB7MBC, the Morecambe Bay Cluster
Running Linux and DXSpider | K2 #4044
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