Looks like I have a problem with a bad solder connection. Gary from Elecraft had me do some checks and as soon as my arm rested against the front panel the receiver came to life. I took the front panel apart and could not find any bad or missing solder connections on the control, rf, or front panel boards under inspection with a large lighted mag glass.
Just for GP I touched the solder iron to all the pins for the connectors. When I put it back together I still had the same problem , dead receiver, after pushed down on the control , it came to life again.
We are going away for the weekend, when I get back I will take it apart again and check,, maybe even have fresh eyes look at it.
Gary recommended that I get the" Cheap and Dirty Signal Tracing for the K2 " off of their site... That is a very good tool for everyone to have.
I will post earlier next week on my results,, hopefully I will be able to find the bad solder connection.
Tnx for all the help
Jerry , n2uz
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