Hofolks -
:-) Number #4667 (sans SSB and any other modules yet) is on the air and
appears to operate fb. Still blows me away to hear that first signal
pulled out the air into this little box of parts I just glued together!
I love it!
As usual Gary Surrency was a model of patience. I was having trouble
calibrating S-HI and Gary dutifully put me through every analytical step
he could (all to no avail) - then he asked me if I was turning the RF
gain all the way counter clockwise before callibratiing.. Well, of
course yours truly had not (and apparently cannot read)! Dah! Gary
was as patient and polite as can be and deserves all the kudos everyone
so often gives him. It's nice to be a K2 op again!!
73/Tim NZ7C
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