Hi all.
K2/100 #4684 has passed alignment and test part 1 but not without some
human error thrown in.
I will swear on a stack of any book you want that I checked U1 pin #1 on
the front panel board during the resistance checks. I got the radio all
asembled and powered up but no display. I tore it all down again only to
find that pin #1 had infinite resistance instead of the 25-35K it was
supposed to have. All of the other readings were correct. I figured it
was a cold joint on pin #1 of the socket.
I didn't think I was going to be able to remove the LCD without screwing
it up so I took the chip out of the socket and reheated the pin through
the socket with a needle point tip I bought with my 936. A one second
count was enough to reflow the solder and I didn't melt any part of the
I have now instituted a "touch 'em twice" policy when it comes to
soldering all connections. I'll let the solder cool then a few seconds
later go back and hit them all again.
Still having fun.
R. Kevin Stover, ACØH
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