6m Calibration Fails with FW 5.67

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6m Calibration Fails with FW 5.67

My K3S fails the 6m calibration with FW 5.67.   The FW instructions
state that *some* KPA3A may go into oscillation, but then states that
all KPA3As should use the ATN6 setting for TXGN HP.  Mine will not
complete the 50W calibration with ATN6 activated and after the failure I
it will only make 50w.  I get a ERR TXGN.  Without ATN6 mine will make
100w just fine.  Also my TXGN LP = 95 which is high based on other
threads I have read.

All this being said my 6m operation appears fine if I do not use the
ATN6.   I done over the air tests and both TX and RX are good.

I am curious to hear if others are seeing this issue and what they have
done to resolve it.



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