[hidden email] wrote:
> Does this imply that if I choose the 'nor' option, and have the T-R delay
> time set to a longer period (say, 1 second), that the 8R line will not be
> "held low" during the entire 1 second delay? And if not, what is the result?
I think that if you are talking about a K2 by itself, the result will be
absolutely nothing. The receiver will be muted for the period of the t-r delay
regardless of the setting. However, the amplifier keying output of the K2/100
and (I think) the transceiver t-r switching is based on the 8r line.
So if, for example, you are using the K2 with an external amplifier or
transverter that has slowish mechanical relays for t-r switching, you should use
the 8r hold option so that you can control the hold time of the external relay
with the t-r parameter.
8r normally goes low about 15ms (someone will correct me if this is inaccurate)
before the K2 begins to make RF, and goes high again some time after output
stops. It can be used to key an external amplifier that has vacuum relays or
pin diode switching directly without hot switching.
Vic, K2VCO
Fresno CA
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