That is exactly right. The KAT500 manual explains it.
On 10/27/2018 10:23 AM, Dauer, Edward wrote:
> There was recently an exchange here about connecting the keying line from a KX3 to a KPA500 amp, specifically about which parts of a TRS plug to use. There is an additional item of importance, which I believe I saw in one of Fred Cady’s texts. If the operator is also using the KAT500 tuner, the keying line must go to the tuner first, then from the tuner to the amp. The tuner is designed to inhibit the amp during a tuning cycle. For that to happen, the key line should go from the KX3 to the KAT500 directly. Maybe someone can confirm my recollection about this.
> Ted, KN1CBR
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