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A response

Just rechecked, The first Xtal filter 6KHZ WIDE. tHE IST IF IS 2  POLE IN THE
TR-7. 4 POLE IN THE R-7a but it is 4 pole and not DOES NT  HAVE STEEP SKIRTS.
The TR-7 uses 2 MONLITHICS AND TIGHT L/C AND HIGH Q  (sounds like the K2)I.
That is why you can use a 10K resistor instead of the  8KHZ. in the second
IF.in a TR-7/R7A. That is my best rig. Just got a dds  VFO for it.
  Many rigs are a mix of 1 stage IF DSP, The second is audio  DSP.
I know about roofing filters..

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