AH-4 Tuner

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AH-4 Tuner

Philip Westover

I was hoping there might be an Icom AH-4 Antenna Tuner
expert out there who maybe knows a good way to remote the
tuner with a non-Icom rig, such as a K2.  (If you are
familiar with the
AH-4, it has a 4-conductor control wire system that
integrates it nicely with most newer Icom rigs, and works
well with end-fed antennas.)

I've had my AH-4 around for awhile, mainly for a field setup
I've been using
(one of those newer Icom rigs), but I now have improved my
home station's
random wire antenna, and I'd like to try out the AH-4 on it,
with several other non-Icom rigs, including the K2.

Has someone done this, or can someone think of a way to do

Phil, WA7URV

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Re: AH-4 Tuner

Tom Arntzen
I think icom rigs has an output to the tuner that has a special voltage for
each band. E.g one value for each.
I think it should be possible if you had an interface that recognice K2 band
and set that voltage output to the tuner.
I think I saw the schematics in ARRL handbook some years ago. (or was it a
designe to decode value into auto antennaswitch?)
And you need tune button.

Also I think this could be done manually , but easy to forget to switch
Bottom line...The tuner needs to know witch band it is tuning.

Someone out there may have the values or you could meassure your own icom
rig to find right value to right band and design a circuit.
But look through ARRL handbook.

If you solve this , let us know.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Philip Westover" <[hidden email]>
To: <[hidden email]>
Sent: Sunday, September 05, 2004 4:38 PM
Subject: [Elecraft] AH-4 Tuner

> Howdy!
> I was hoping there might be an Icom AH-4 Antenna Tuner
> expert out there who maybe knows a good way to remote the
> tuner with a non-Icom rig, such as a K2.  (If you are
> familiar with the
> AH-4, it has a 4-conductor control wire system that
> integrates it nicely with most newer Icom rigs, and works
> well with end-fed antennas.)
> I've had my AH-4 around for awhile, mainly for a field setup
> I've been using
> (one of those newer Icom rigs), but I now have improved my
> home station's
> random wire antenna, and I'd like to try out the AH-4 on it,
> with several other non-Icom rigs, including the K2.
> Has someone done this, or can someone think of a way to do
> it?
> 73,
> Phil, WA7URV
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Re: AH-4 Tuner

Rich Lim
Hi Tom, the solution is even easier than that.

All you need to do is provide 12v to the AH4 (red wire) and short the
control wire (white) to ground. The green wire provides indication that
Tuning is in progress and the Black wire is ground. That's it. Seems to
work very well for me. I have a gif of the schematic from  5B4AEZ which
I got off the internet if anyone is interested.

72/73 DE KQ9L K1 #1669, K2 #3232
KX1 #21, FIST 10193,  FP 548,
QRP ARCI 11129 ARS #1565
QRP-L #2552

On Sep 5, 2004, at 10:43 AM, Tom Arntzen wrote:

> I think icom rigs has an output to the tuner that has a special
> voltage for
> each band. E.g one value for each.
> I think it should be possible if you had an interface that recognice
> K2 band
> and set that voltage output to the tuner.
> I think I saw the schematics in ARRL handbook some years ago. (or was
> it a
> designe to decode value into auto antennaswitch?)
> And you need tune button.
> Also I think this could be done manually , but easy to forget to switch
> bands.
> Bottom line...The tuner needs to know witch band it is tuning.
> Someone out there may have the values or you could meassure your own
> icom
> rig to find right value to right band and design a circuit.
> But look through ARRL handbook.
> If you solve this , let us know.
> Tom LA1PHA
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Philip Westover" <[hidden email]>
> To: <[hidden email]>
> Sent: Sunday, September 05, 2004 4:38 PM
> Subject: [Elecraft] AH-4 Tuner
>> Howdy!
>> I was hoping there might be an Icom AH-4 Antenna Tuner
>> expert out there who maybe knows a good way to remote the
>> tuner with a non-Icom rig, such as a K2.  (If you are
>> familiar with the
>> AH-4, it has a 4-conductor control wire system that
>> integrates it nicely with most newer Icom rigs, and works
>> well with end-fed antennas.)
>> I've had my AH-4 around for awhile, mainly for a field setup
>> I've been using
>> (one of those newer Icom rigs), but I now have improved my
>> home station's
>> random wire antenna, and I'd like to try out the AH-4 on it,
>> with several other non-Icom rigs, including the K2.
>> Has someone done this, or can someone think of a way to do
>> it?
>> 73,
>> Phil, WA7URV
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>> Elecraft mailing list
>> Post to: [hidden email]
>> You must be a subscriber to post to the list.
>> Subscriber Info (Addr. Change, sub, unsub etc.):
> http://mailman.qth.net/mailman/listinfo/elecraft
>> Help: http://mailman.qth.net/subscribers.htm
>> Elecraft web page: http://www.elecraft.com
> _______________________________________________
> Elecraft mailing list
> Post to: [hidden email]
> You must be a subscriber to post to the list.
> Subscriber Info (Addr. Change, sub, unsub etc.):
> http://mailman.qth.net/mailman/listinfo/elecraft
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> Elecraft web page: http://www.elecraft.com

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Re: AH-4 Tuner

On Sun, 5 Sep 2004 10:49:33 -0500 Richard Lim <[hidden email]>
>Re: ICOM AH-4 Autotuner
>Hi Tom, the solution is even easier than that.
>All you need to do is provide 12v to the AH-4 (red wire) and short the
>control wire (white) to ground. The green wire provides indication
>that Tuning is in progress and the Black wire is ground

Rummaging around I found an ICOM AH-2  auto tuner (sans docs) that has
the same color coded control cable, so presumably the advice above

Anyone actually have one of these AH-2 critters who can confirm? The darn
thing is bigger than all my QRP rigs put together, but it might have some
versatility for emergency ops, QRO or otherwise.

Jim N5IB

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