ARRL proposed petition on Band Plan Changes
The current ARRL proposed petition to be submitted to the FCC
calls for major changes in the band plan for US Amateurs.
Its is important that ARRL members submit comments to The League
and their Director about this matter.
In order to better share viewpoints and actual copies of comments,
Both a mailing list and a web based forum specializing in this matter
has been created.
The forum is located at of the forum can review a Synopis of the ARRL proposal, comments
submitted to the ARRL that have been posted by members and discuss the
A companion mailing list, bandplan, is also available. To subscribe to
the mailing list, send email to
[hidden email], and in the
body of the message have
subscribe bandplan
Looking forward to seeing you and your comments.
Thom LaCosta
Elecraft mailing list
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[hidden email]
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