After seeing Mt. Diablo had to say something about it.

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After seeing Mt. Diablo had to say something about it.

James Griffith
I've been to Mt. Diablo many, many times repairing two-way radio for RCA
service company.
Had keys to the building and gate down to it. Climbed the tower when the
950 Mhz dishes
fell off it. Managed to run over several fat rattle snakes sunning on
the road. Loved those peak
days of two-way radio some weighing 70 pounds in the early 60's.
Also fished around Angle Island when military sill owned it and practice
beach landings on it.
Was chased away from Alcatraz by bullhorn when we'd get to close
fishing. Great fun times
for teenagers on the bay. Liked it so much that one of my Amazon Kindle
'Death Rides the Sacramento' came from those youthful days, and great
band openings during
the high sunspot cycle. SSB was just starting to take over AM. I know
this is off the reflectors
subject, been a ham since 1960, first license in the bay area. San
Leandro, WA6JOS.
Loved the WWII surplus houses along /Doolittle Drive. /Building  a
remote controlled magnetic
loop  at the moment for my KX3.
Had to say something when I saw Mt. Diablo mentioned. I installed many
new two-way radio
systems in all the bay area TV Stations, and major business like Eimac
in mid 1960's great times.
Jim Griffith, WA7NDD
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