Airport Security-No trouble

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Airport Security-No trouble

Peppino Berria
Hi Folk, I'm just coming back home to Italy from
Texas. I put into my handbag an Icom IC706MKIIG and no
trouble I had through the US customs. They didn't
asked me to open the handbag. The inspector only asked
me if I had portable computer. On my shoulder I had a
Sony-set (videocam and camera) and they controlled it
accurately. Into the shipped luggage I put an Icom
antenna tuner, two Weller solder station (WESD51 and
WTCPT), a portable antenna (MP1 by Elecraft),tips by
Weller, a DMM, an AC Ammeter probe by RadioShack,a
Panavise work station, Kester solders and many other
items. When I opened the bag at home I've found a TSA
paper and TSA sticks meaning that they checked
everything accurately.. The only problem could be
through the italian customs. They asked me "anything
to declare?" "an iron solder" I answered them. "go
ahead". So, all OK!
Sardinia proverb: "Chie timet s'abba non si hacat a pastore"


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