Alignment woes

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Alignment woes

Finally finishing up my K2 #4792 and ran into trouble on the very last two steps. When  I try to align 10 meters, I get proper output (2watts) but a fuzzy trace. I am using my scope to monitor the dummy load output. When I go to align 12 meters, I get very little output (.2 watts). I carefully checked (4 hours) all connections and proper components around the band-pass and low-pass filter areas with no faults found.

Please help as I am going crazy trying to find this error. Thanks in advance for your assistance.

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RE: Alignment woes

Don Wilhelm-3

If all is well on 10 meters, but bad on 12 meters, the Low Pass Filter is
very likely not the problem, you should look again at the bandpass filter,
then check the VFO frequency against the chart on the 'Schematic Key' page
of Appendix B - at the low end of the 12 meter band you should have a VFO
frequency of 19995 kHz (check using CAL FCTR with the probe in TP1).  Should
you find the frequency incorrect, take a long hard look at C74 (20 pf) and
its soldering.


> -----Original Message-----
> Finally finishing up my K2 #4792 and ran into trouble on the very
> last two steps. When  I try to align 10 meters, I get proper
> output (2watts) but a fuzzy trace. I am using my scope to monitor
> the dummy load output. When I go to align 12 meters, I get very
> little output (.2 watts). I carefully checked (4 hours) all
> connections and proper components around the band-pass and
> low-pass filter areas with no faults found.
> Please help as I am going crazy trying to find this error. Thanks
> in advance for your assistance.
> Walt WA3GRQ

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