Alternate Sound Card

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Alternate Sound Card

Charles Greene

This is, and isn't off topic.  I need a sound card for my K2 for PSK31.  I
have been using a USB Creative MP3+, but first the speaker output
amplifiers went west (I'd be offended if I lived in California); anyway
they don't work, then the headphone amplifiers went that way too.  I
installed a Creative Audigy 2 ZS 24 bit sound card on my system for other
purposes, but I did not remove the Realtek 97 sound card on the
motherboard.  So I removed the MP3+ hoping to see the Realtek 97 show up,
but it didn't.  Is there anyway I can get the Realtek 97 which is still
there, to work as second sound card with the Audugy 2 ZS?  System Win XP.

Tnx for real pondering,


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Re: Alternate Sound Card

I've only done this with  laptop, but I got it to work just fine (using
a USB connected Sound Blaster as the secondary).  Make sure the
motherboard sound is enabled in the bios setup screen.  Win XP should
detect it and prompt you to install drivers.  If you want the additional
sound card to be the primary sound card, you have to set this up in the
control panel  Once you have set the "default" card, the default will be
#0 and the other one will be #1.  Most applications allow you to select
which sound card they use.  If you specify card # -1, it will use the
default card.

Since XP is not seeing the motherboard sound, I'm betting it is disabled
in the bios setup screen.  Or something is wrong with the driver
installation.  If the hardware is showing in the Control Panel, trying
removing it, restart the system and see if it detects it again.

Ken K6MR

Charles Greene wrote:

> Hi,
> This is, and isn't off topic.  I need a sound card for my K2 for
> PSK31.  I have been using a USB Creative MP3+, but first the speaker
> output amplifiers went west (I'd be offended if I lived in
> California); anyway they don't work, then the headphone amplifiers
> went that way too.  I installed a Creative Audigy 2 ZS 24 bit sound
> card on my system for other purposes, but I did not remove the Realtek
> 97 sound card on the motherboard.  So I removed the MP3+ hoping to see
> the Realtek 97 show up, but it didn't.  Is there anyway I can get the
> Realtek 97 which is still there, to work as second sound card with the
> Audugy 2 ZS?  System Win XP.
> Tnx for real pondering,
> Chas
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