An answer to somebodys question.

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An answer to somebodys question.

They wanted to get the best possible antenna for going mobile(Car)
  True, one cannot use a 16 foot whip on the exact center of the car  for the
best omni directional performance.
Some swear by a 7 foot whip that has a load coil in the middle.
 Should you go fiber glass or metal whip.  One thing for certain.  You want
as much radiator
as you can. I have a home brew vertical. So I will scale it down.
  I would also consider 7 foot of fiber or metal. Then find a inductor  at
the end of the 7 foot
rod. I would consider a loading coil and an additional 2 feet of solid  
  I made a decent 20M ant out of 2 CB antenna'a  A 10/11 meter  whip can be
found any where.
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