Announcement: Hamlib K2 support

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Announcement: Hamlib K2 support

Brian Mury-3
Hello fellow Elecrafters,

Hamlib ( is an open source project which
provides software developers with a single interface to all supported
radios. This allows the developer to support a large number of radios
without having to learn how each radio interface works or write separate
code for each radio.

Hamlib has provided basic support for the K2 for a couple years. It
treats it as a generic Kenwood radio. This provides basic functionality,
but many of the KIO2's capabilities cannot be used.

I am now the maintainer for the K2 portion of Hamlib. The eventual goal
is to support the complete KIO2 command set. I say "eventual" because I
am working on it in my limited spare time. My plan is to add a few
features at a time as time permits. This will allow incremental
improvements rather than a long wait for full support.

Any suggestions, ideas, comments, feedback, offers of help, chocolate,
etc, are always welcome. I am particularly interested in which
capabilities are most wanted and should be supported first.

73, Brian

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