Ed Palmer wrote:
> On the RF board on my K2 in the 20/30 BPF area I can inject a signal on 20
> meters either side of C22 and between C22 and C24. I'm not however able to
> inject a signal between C24 and C25.
C25 is shorted to ground on bands opther than 20 or 30 by K4B. Perhaps the
relay is defective, with K4A working and K4B not?
If the relay is working correctly you should see zero ohms between the junction
of C24/C25 and pin 7 of K4 (or the W6 jumper). You can set the K2 to 20 meters
and turn it off before measuring, since the relays are latching types.
Vic, K2VCO
Fresno CA
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