Chas, Ron, and all,
You know this is what I enjoy most about the hobby,
the plethora of ideas that get the job done. Some more
wacky and fun than others, but none the less effective
for the task at hand.
I did go and check the tennis ball type launchers out,
and think I have the parts to build one. I've seen the
spud launchers but tend to shy away from items using
explosive gases. I like the safety reminders, having
dodged a number of rick o' shays. I used the bow and
arrow, when I had access, even tried the guacho
I have only one question: Has anyone built a catapult
for this function yet? I know they've been built to
launch pianos and in the UK to test castle seige
theories... Somehow there seem to be an antenna
catapult gap!
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