Anyone using, or want to use, solar power with their KX3? Micro M+ Controller

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Anyone using, or want to use, solar power with their KX3? Micro M+ Controller

Steve KC8QVO
A few years ago I got a Micro M+ charge controller for running my trail rigs off solar power. I combined it with some panel strips from Powerfilm and it has been a really great combo. With my KX3 and a 7Ah battery I can run indefinitely on backpacking and camping trips - for as much as I've used the rig in camp.

The kits haven't been available for a while and I've been wanting to get a few more of these. So I took the schematic and parts from the QST article about it and pieced it together - with perf board and an enclosure (just no board mounting stuff, I'll have to figure it out later).

Note that by changing one of the resistors you can change the output from charging 12v batteries to 9.6v = the same voltage of the internal AA's, if you so choose to use those in your KX3. with two sets you could run one set and charge the other.

My parts list, and a bit more detail, can be viewed in my QRZ post. 

I hope this helps.

Steve, KC8QVO