Application Note: KX1 S-meter calibration procedure

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Application Note: KX1 S-meter calibration procedure

David Toepfer
This procedure got an initial nod from Wayne so I am posting it to the list for
broader peer review as it were...




The procedure outlined on p65 in the SIG row of the table for adjusting the
S-meter calibration does not seem to work well for me, so I have developed and
followed this procedure, which is similar but takes into account the apparent
effect adjusting H has on L.

If you find this procedure to be correct and superior it would probably best
fit on p68 between the VFO Lock/Unlock procedure and the Operating Frequency
Calibration procedure.

1) Set LEd to InF.

2) For each H setting record the L settings that result in s9 (5 bars) with an
Elecraft XG1 Receiver Test Oscillator / S-Meter Calibrator attached and set to


- -
2 50, 51
3 55, 56, 57
4 60, 61, 62, 63
5 65, 66, 67, 68, 69
6 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75
7 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81

3) Then remove all values (indicated in []'s) that show even anything more than
all blank (including a flashing 1) with an Elecraft DL1 Wideband 20W Dummy Load

Example (cont.):

- -
2 [50, 51]
3 [55, 56, 57]
4 [60, 61, 62, 63]
5 [65, 66, 67, 68, 69]
6 [70, 71, 72,] 73, 74, 75
7 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, [80, 81]

4) Set for the lowest H value (indicated in ()'s) with L values not all
eliminated and then set for that lowest non-eliminated L value (indicated in

Example (cont.):

- -
(6) [70, 71, 72,] (73), 74, 75

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Re: Application Note: KX1 S-meter calibration procedure

wayne burdick

On Jun 14, 2004, at 6:50 PM, David Toepfer wrote:

> This procedure got an initial nod from Wayne so I am posting it to the
> list for
> broader peer review as it were...

Thanks, David. To anyone attempting this procedure:

- Calibrating the S-meter is a bit tedious by whatever method you use.
I hope to make the KX1's S-meter much easier to calibrate in the

- It's likely that only a very small range of S-meter menu parameter
values will be usable, since they depend only on the accuracy of the 5-
and 6-volt regulators. So a faster method might be to start with the
average values used by all builders, then tweak them up/down over a
very small range.

- Clearly, the S-meter function of the KX1 is secondary in importance
to the rig's other features. There are only six bars, limiting its
utility no matter how well you calibrate it.


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