Apt Antenna Daniel Brinneman kg4dni

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Apt Antenna Daniel Brinneman kg4dni

Julius Fazekas n2wn
Hi Daniel,

If you do put up a loop, consider feeding it from the
side, you may pick up a bit more vertical polarization
and a slightly lower angle on some bands.

Depending on the layout, you might consider an
inverted L using the potted plant to support the
vertical part of the antenna.

You could also use a fishing pole (they can be found
up to 20' long) as a temporary support.

To the folks with the verticals near the ocean, check
out the Force12 page and, I think, it was the 6Y5A
contest group. They did an interesting study of
vertical performance based on location related to the
edge of salt water (or over it).

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Julius Fazekas

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