Arrl Boxboro Mass. show

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Arrl Boxboro Mass. show

Mike Keller-2
Just wanted to thank everyone who worked so hard to put together and staff a fabulous booth at the show! A couple of days of booth duty patiently and politely answering a wide range of questions is taxing enough but when you add setup and tear down its as much effort as a mini DXpedition.

The second generation KPA 1500 definitely looks like it was worth the wait since the time I saw the original at Dayton.  Hats off to the design crew for creating a new classic.
I will order mine when the kit version comes out. As a television broadcaster, Over more years than I will admit, I have been involved with the deployment of numerous solid state high power transmitters and have toured several manufacturers development labs but never have I been able to put one together and I REALLY want that opportunity, even if it's solder free and doesn't save a lot of money.

Mike W1BNC

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