Assemblers wanted for LP-100 couplers

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Assemblers wanted for LP-100 couplers


As the parts roll in for the 2nd run of LP-100s, I am once again looking
for assemblers. This time just for the couplers, as I have the PCBs
under control. For the first run, I built all the couplers myself, but
the ratio of kit-to-assembled has dropped for the 2nd run, and I don't
have the time to do the couplers myself and continue development of my

If you have built an LP-100 kit, you know what's involved. If not, you
can find a link to the assembly manual at
This is mostly mechanical work, and involves mounting connectors,
preparing short lengths of Teflon coax, winding two large ferrite cores
and mounting 12 large (2540) size SMT resistors on a little attenuator
PCB. I currently have orders for 40 assembled wattmeters, and would like
to find several assemblers so that I can minimize shipping cost and
aggregate assembly time. I am thinking  maybe 10 couplers per assembler,
with a one week turnaround time.  Assembly time is about 2 hours each
once up to speed. The project would start in 2-3 weeks when the coupler
cases are scheduled to arrive.

Please respond to me directly by email at [hidden email].

Larry N8LP

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