Audio mod for split operation

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Audio mod for split operation

Tom Althoff
I've been looking at the red LED mod for split operation.   For blind hams
or people like me who don't watch the rig constantly while operating I've
been thinking about adapting the mod to switch in a padding resistor in one
leg of the stereo headphone jack.

When operating non-split you would hear the sidetone in both ears.  When in
split mode the sidetone would appear to come from either the left or the
right headphone to audibly remind you that you are in split.

If you are working a DX pileup split and you hear your sidetone in both
headphones....yell to yourself "UP! UP! UP!".

Any opinions / dangers / drawbacks to this approach?

Tom K2TA

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Re: Audio mod for split operation

Augie "Gus" Hansen
On 11/6/04 6:35 AM, "Tom Althoff" <[hidden email]> wrote:

> ...
> When operating non-split you would hear the sidetone in both ears.  When in
> split mode the sidetone would appear to come from either the left or the
> right headphone to audibly remind you that you are in split.
> If you are working a DX pileup split and you hear your sidetone in both
> headphones....yell to yourself "UP! UP! UP!".
> Any opinions / dangers / drawbacks to this approach?
> Tom K2TA

Hi Tom,

This is a great idea. You might adopt the convention that hearing sidetone
in the right ear means you're transmitting on the "right" (i.e., correct)
frequency of the split. Hearing it in the left ear means you'll soon be
hearing from the frequency cops.

73, Gus Hansen

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Re: Audio mod for split operation

Don Wilhelm-3
In reply to this post by Tom Althoff

Audible indication of split is certainly attractive, but bear in mind that
the audio is mono in the K2 and the sidetone is injected in the LM380 -
output is a mono combination of audio and sidetone. Two resistors feed the
headphones primarily so that mono headphones will not short out the audio.

Reducing the sidetone in one ear while retaining full receiver audio would
require a complete redesign of the audio section - do-able, but it would
take some design effort and space to install it.  At the present time, space
is at a premium for the K2/100.

As an alternative, it should be easier to reduce both the receive audio and
sidetone when split is active (break the signal to one channel of the
headphone output).


----- Original Message -----

> When operating non-split you would hear the sidetone in both ears.  When
> in
> split mode the sidetone would appear to come from either the left or the
> right headphone to audibly remind you that you are in split.
> If you are working a DX pileup split and you hear your sidetone in both
> headphones....yell to yourself "UP! UP! UP!".
> Any opinions / dangers / drawbacks to this approach?

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Re: Audio mod for split operation

Tom Althoff
I didn't think about full audio in both ears with sidetone in one...that
WOULD be nice.

I was just looking at doing something at the phone jack directly...lifting
one of the 820 ohm resistors to kill one earphone when split is active etc.
That would affect receive signals as well and might be objectionable.

But another approach might be to have the sidetone change pitch/shape.   I
wouldn't mind if there was a simple way to switch in and out the sidetone
mod, rough note on split, sinewave on normal.

Just thinking out loud on this one.   It's nice to have a hardware radio
that I can mess with.

----- Original Message -----
From: "W3FPR - Don Wilhelm" <[hidden email]>
To: "Tom Althoff" <[hidden email]>; "Elecraft Discussion List"
<[hidden email]>
Sent: Saturday, November 06, 2004 9:29 AM
Subject: Re: [Elecraft] Audio mod for split operation

> Tom,
> Audible indication of split is certainly attractive, but bear in mind that
> the audio is mono in the K2 and the sidetone is injected in the LM380 -
> output is a mono combination of audio and sidetone. Two resistors feed the
> headphones primarily so that mono headphones will not short out the audio.
> Reducing the sidetone in one ear while retaining full receiver audio would
> require a complete redesign of the audio section - do-able, but it would
> take some design effort and space to install it.  At the present time,
> is at a premium for the K2/100.
> As an alternative, it should be easier to reduce both the receive audio

> sidetone when split is active (break the signal to one channel of the
> headphone output).
> 73,
> Don W3FPR
> ----- Original Message -----
> >
> > When operating non-split you would hear the sidetone in both ears.  When
> > in
> > split mode the sidetone would appear to come from either the left or the
> > right headphone to audibly remind you that you are in split.
> >
> > If you are working a DX pileup split and you hear your sidetone in both
> > headphones....yell to yourself "UP! UP! UP!".
> >
> > Any opinions / dangers / drawbacks to this approach?
> >

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