Thanks to everyone who commented on the use of the K2's auto-detect feature.
The consensus is that it works quite well, although some mentioned problems with
straight keys or bugs with dirty contacts.
I have encountered problems caused by contact bounce from bugs with many modern
rigs, including the K2 in HAND mode, and so I use a reed relay with a 3.3 uf
capacitor and a diode across the coil to clean up the bug's output.
As far as the possibility of inadvertently triggering the auto-detect by
squeezing both paddles at the same time, I like W3FPR's advice: try it and see.
I think that whether I have trouble will depend on my sending style.
I like the idea of having my keyer, bug, and computer interface all hooked up so
I can switch back and forth without changing anything.
Vic, K2VCO
Fresno CA
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