I'm all up for some nice produce! We've set records
here in Tn for the longest run of 90+ temps. It's been
a hard year for the trees, we had a late freeze and
now drought conditions, not to mention several severe
wind storms.
My wife an I were in Wy and Mt a few weeks back. When
we headed to Yellowstone from Helena early in the
morning, my wife asked what all the grey/white stuff
on the car was... it was ash from the forest fires.
She had never seen that, nor the horizon haze from the
fires as we headed west from Cody. Sadly, I've seen it
even worse in Montana.
If you believe the Earth is millions of years old, one
could argue that the temperature variations may be
insignificant or non-attributable to human activity.
Although recent NOAA and independent researchers
confirm that man's activities are major influences on
current weather. If you believe the planet is only a
few thousand years old, the weather should be a "hell"
of a lot more frightening if only from a statistical
As too the efficiency of windmills, major improvements
have made these much more effective, even in breeze
situations. I understand that the efficiency is set to
improve even more in the near future.
For all the bashing of the major oil companies and oil
producing regions of the world, consider the amount of
capital they are putting into alternative power
research and installations worldwide. Maybe oil
wouldn't seem so cheap if the price we pay included a
"conflict tax"...
More power to the thinkers, innovators and
conservationists IMHO, and I happily put Elecraft in
that category. For all the garbage one reads about,
there is still a lot of positives on the horizon.
By the way, I hear land is much more reasonable in
Canada, and it looks like they may have a longer
growing season now ;o)
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