Dear Fellow Elecrafters,
It is my distinct pleasure to tell you of achievements attained by two
fellow amateurs in our Elecraft family.
#1 - Kudos and congratulations to Ron Chester, W6AZ. Ron earned
Elecraft Worked All States Award no. 39. Ron used his K2, sn 1366 to
complete all the necessary QSOs.
#2 - Kudos and congratulations to David Sergeant, G3YMC for earning the
very first DX Hunters Award. Dave started his journey on March 22, 2002
and worked his 100th country on May 22nd of the same year! David has
continued making QSOs with K2 sn 2498 and worked his 200th country, St.
Kitts V47Z on February 22, 2005.
I think these are two accomplishments that we all hope to emulate.
73 de Larry W2LJ
Your Humble Awards Admin. Person
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