BBC and Ham Radio in the spotlight

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BBC and Ham Radio in the spotlight

Amateur Radio Features on BBC Radio and TV
This has been a week where amateur radio has received some good publicity in
the mass broadcast media. Firstly, 'Unsung Heroes', broadcast by BBC Radio 4
on Saturday 4 September, was the story of the radio amateurs who provided
vital communications when the World Trade Centre was attacked in New York on
9/11. The programme interviewed several amateurs who responded, and they
told what they did on that fateful day. The programme highlighted the great
advantages to a country of having an emergency amateur radio organisation.
The American radio amateurs' actions were described as "quietly
professional" and "life-saving" and the amateurs were described as
"public-spirited heroes."

Later in the week was a piece on the 'In Touch' programme about young blind
Foundation licensees. As with 'Unsung Heroes', this was a wholly
complimentary piece which treated amateur radio most sympathetically.

You can listen to both of these programmes on the Internet. Go to
and follow the "Listen to shows you've missed" links.

Gregg R. Lengling, W9DHI, Retired
K2/100 S#3075 KX1 S# 57
Member:  ARRL, RSGB, RCA, WERA and ORC

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