A couple of days ago I ended up with alignment & test part 2, but the BFO test failed. At the first time, the internal frequ. counter displayed 8230,48kHz, one day later 0,0 kHz.
I already made some tests, here the results:
C174, C173 verified -> correct values
D36 Check -> ok (0,65V)
D37+D38 Check -> ok (0,606V)
resistance of L33(with parallel resistor): 1,5 ohm -> ok
resistance of RP6(pin 1 to 8): 99,7 ohm -> ok
Crystals X3 + X4 verified: 4.91-0433 -> ok
Some DC measurements:
P1 of RP6: 3,378 VDC
P2 of RP6: 3,348 VDC
P4 of RP6: 3,318 VDC
P5 of RP6: 1,5 mVDC
P7 of RP6: 3,318 VDC
C174(left): 5,88 VDC
C174(right): 4,83 VDC
Has anyone an idea what could be wrong?
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