Well...I'm having a ball! Got #1117 working on 160M, added the internal battery, KAF2, fourteen matched crystals and the BFO temp stability mod, BFOMDKT.
I have a slight discrepancy in the BFO range but I'm not sure I should I need to address it or not. I get a range of 5.48kHz which meets spec but the highest BFO freq I get is 5915.52 about 750Hz below the value specified for BFO High Freq.
Not having a calibrated freq counter handy I'm assuming that it may just be error in the internal counter. If not...should I really care about the 750Hz?
BTW... I found enough time to work 7 countries on 4 continents in the CQWW-SSB running 5W on 10M this morning in between alignments. THIS IS A FUN RADIO!
Tom K2TA
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