BUG night - new year's Eve

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BUG night - new year's Eve

Straight Key Night?  Bah, humBUG !!!!

Brief reminder that in keeping with tradition, SKN New Year's Eve has been transmuted into BUG Night (or perhaps "Any Old Key Night," as in, isn't the idea to just have fun and meet people?) for those with either sufficient skill and daring or the hutzspah necessary to over-come the lack there-of.

The tradition began on the New Year's Eve 2000 when KT5X boldly broke with tradition and put a 1917 Cloverleaf blue racer on the air.  His CQ was answered by KE5C who was using a 1923 Cloverleaf blue racer.  Soon the QSO was broken into by WD9FJL who by shere chance was responding to the bug sent CW using HIS 1919 Cloverleaf blue racer!  This three-way QSO was interrupted by N6KR (SK) who was using, yup, a 1918 Cloverleaf blue racer --- A Four Leaf Clover QSO was created.

A few days later, KT5X received a QSL from a W6 who said, "I heard you guys and tried to break in with my 1921 Cloverleaf blue racer, but no one could hear me."  But of course not.  Who ever heard of a FIVE leaf clover, I ask you???

This activity is no way intended to be a contest.  IJust enjoy New Year's Eve.  Folks are encouraged to use a variety of old keys and bugs, and tell stories about them.  It is nostalgic.  It takes skill.  There is no starting time.  There is no ending time.  Gathering frequencies are 14.025, 7.025, and 3.525, plus or minus.

Last year Russ, WA5Y, (a serious collector of old keys) put some really rare ones on the air.  He used a 1918 Midget, 1917 Upright, and a 1946 Melehan.  what astonishing old key will you come across?

Please do distribute the invitation far and wide.  And don't forget that the old coastal station, KPH will be QRV that night as well, using the call, W6KPH.


K2 # 0700
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Re: BUG night - new year's Eve

Charles Bland
> This three-way QSO was interrupted by N6KR (SK) who
> was using, yup, a 1918 Cloverleaf blue racer --- A Four Leaf Clover QSO was
> created.

I just saw Wayne, N6KR, in October!!

When did he go SK?????

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Re: BUG night - new year's Eve

Jessie Oberreuter
In reply to this post by Indy-3

      Here in the Pacifc Northwest, we've also added a twist: we've been
running VHF SKN on the 50mhz and above bands, +10 up from the calling
freqs (50.135, 144.210, 220.110, 432.110, etc.).  It essentially runs from
start of SKN (4p here) to midnight (0800z) with most of the activity in
the 5p-7p range.  We have a solid VHF contesting fraternity here, so it's
a real hoot!  We're a real friendly bunch, and having so many folks
clustered around the same freqs really turns it into a party.  So, if
you're in the area, know some fellow VHFers, or there's a hint of aurora
in the air, spread the word, tune up those rarely used bands, and join us!

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