Hello all,
I just received my Pulpit Rock Polar Bear Cap today and it's even better
than the graphic on the web! The polar bear has white, bronze, grey and
black colors on his head. The full moon is a silver color and the
writing a maroon color. I don't even have to adjust the cap because I
ordered one with a Flexfit head band. I'm VERY pleased with my cap.
Again, if anyone is planning to operate the EPA QRP Club's March Polar
Bear Moonlight Madness Event from atop a mountain, please email me with
your information. You will be eligible to receive a Polar Bear Activator
Certificate and you can buy a Polar Bear Cap too. My cap costs me a
total of $36.00. Again, I have no relationship with the company that
sells the baseball cap and does the embroidery.
Polar Bear # 1
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