Batch programming with KX3 Utility program?

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Batch programming with KX3 Utility program?

Elecraft mailing list

My club is running a KX-3 with a Windows (7? something old and at end of
life) workstation. I've installed the KX-3 Utility program and have used
it successfully to program the radio and save the configuration.

I recently wrote about using different headsets in place of the MH-3
mic. I'm going to test the suggestions and advice this Thursday when I
go to the club. However, if I'm successful, it looks like there might be
a half-dozen or more configuration changes to be made to switch between
different headsets or back to the MH-3 mic.

I was hoping for a way to batch program all the changes into a
configuration file, that could be uploaded to the radio from the command
line.  I'm envisioning an icon on the desktop that could be
double-clicked to run the batch job. Individual operators could also
have their own configuration files, with their macros and CW messages
(maybe even per contest) in addition to their headset configuration.

I'm not sure that the KX-3 Utility can do this, but it would seem to be
in its purview. I was hoping it could be invoked from the command line
with various options that would upload a specific configuration file.
However, I see no references to command line switches. In addition, I
understand that it doesn't save in it's configuration file things like
CW messages.

And, if the configuration file was in plain English, and could be edited
with a text editor, that would be all the better. This is something else
I'll check at the club this week.

I know that the configuration can be restored with the KX-3 Utility, but
I was hoping to streamline it even more.

Can anything I'm envisioning be done with today's tools? If not, would
anyone else think this would be a useful enhancement to the KX-3 Utility

Thanks for your advice and help.

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Re: Batch programming with KX3 Utility program?

Don Wilhelm

I don't think you can do that with a KX3 Utility configuration file.
But you should be able to do it with Macros - look at the commands in
the K3/KX3 Programmer's reference.

An advantage of using Macros, is that they are stored in the KX3 and not
in a computer file, so no worry about the OS running on the computer.

A side comment -- Why are many inserting hyphens in Elecraft model
designations?  It is KX3 (not KX-3), K3 (not K-3), K3S (not K-3S), etc.
There are only 2 exceptions to this - the Elecraft N-Gen and K-Pod.
Look at the Elecraft products - no hyphens.  Leave the hyphens to other
manufacturers who change the number after the hyphen to designate an
"upgraded" version that you can only obtain by buying the new model.
The Elecraft KX3 is not an upgraded KX2, it is an entirely separate radio.



On 11/12/2019 4:25 PM, Kevin Zembower via Elecraft wrote:

> Hello,
> My club is running a KX-3 with a Windows (7? something old and at end of
> life) workstation. I've installed the KX-3 Utility program and have used
> it successfully to program the radio and save the configuration.
> I recently wrote about using different headsets in place of the MH-3
> mic. I'm going to test the suggestions and advice this Thursday when I
> go to the club. However, if I'm successful, it looks like there might be
> a half-dozen or more configuration changes to be made to switch between
> different headsets or back to the MH-3 mic.
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