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Best wishes

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Best wishes

Neal Campbell and Sarah Ferrell
24 posts
My best wishes to everyone on the reflector. I started building my K2 a
month ago and it reminds me of the days when almost everyone had build
their equipment and every ham was a mentor. Over the years I have
enjoyed the increased access that the internet gave us but got a little
jaded when seeing how some of us behave (myself included). This
reflector is the only one I read where every email is positive and
helpful, and no one is arguing against something.

Just wanted you to know that I think everyone here is very special and
represents the attitude that brought me into the hobby 32 years ago!

Not at the stage yet where I have done more than continuity tests and
ask the nice people at Elecraft for help in replacing parts I have lost
yet, but am sure when I run into problems I can count on everyone to

Best wishes for the new year
Neal - k3nc

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