Bug mode: Let's do it!

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Bug mode: Let's do it!

I use a bug and an external keyer with the K2 in hand mode. The keyer
does two things: 1. When the keying speed control is set the same (or
nearly so) as the dit speed of the bug's, all dit "scratchyness" due to
point bounce and less than perfect keying is eliminated. 2. If I set
the keyer's speed somewhat slower than the bug's dit speed, the actual
sending speed can slowed down somewhat. This allows me to send at a
speed below the bug's lowest speed! I call it "bug bend". Of course,
this can only be carried out so far as the dits will start to merge
into each other resulting in a skipped dit. To set up the keyer speed,
I produce dits while decreasing the keyer speed. The stop point is when
6 dits are produced without error. Then I know I can send a number 5
(the largest dit string) with complete assurance a dit will not be
skipped. Adding more weight to the pendulum makes the bug harder to
control. The dahs are made manually. I tried to do this with the the K2
by separating the bug's dit and dah contacts. The K2 was set to Iambic
mode. The dah contact was connected to the K2 via the two diode auto
manual detect arrangement. The dit contact was connected to the K2 dit
line. This works well with one flaw: the autocomplete feature inserts
extra unwanted dits and dahs ruining the charactor.  Hey Elecraft, how
about a software change to turn off the autoelement insert feature to
have a "bug" mode????? Then I can get rid of the external keyer. 73s
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