Hi Tim!
Yes. The KPA100 and most of the other accessories to the K2 communicate with
K2 on auxbus.
The KPA100 need that line and some other lines as well to be tested.
There is also a test of the KPA100 that has to be done about midway in
assembly that need the K2.
I suggest you download the manuals from elecraft webpage to se what your up
I just builded the KPA100 and wow!! have I had fun since.
Some minor problems , but soon to be taken care of.
73 de LA1PHA Tom
----- Original Message -----
From: <
[hidden email]>
To: <
[hidden email]>
Sent: Thursday, November 04, 2004 6:22 PM
Subject: [Elecraft] Build 100W amp & tuner 1st - issues?
> Thinking of building 100W amp with tuner box before I start on a K2 - only
> because I have not built that particular box before and it would be the
> most interesting part of the project. If I do that, will not having a K2
> in hand cause me a problem during the build - i.e. is there any part of
> the build that requires a K2 to be present for testing etc? Thanks in
> advance.
> Tim NZ7C
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